Rock Bitch / Rock bitch
Year of release: 1997
Genre: Pissing, Fisting, Strapon, Rock
Duration: 1:16:30
Studio: TV Amsterdam
Stage characters (on albums are referred to as "knots")
Julie (Julie) - vocal - "priestess of the Cult of the Warrior"
Lucy (Luci) - guitar - "slut"
Amanda (Amanda) - bass - "slut "
Nikki (Nikki) - piano, flute, -" nympho "
Joe (Jo) - drums, -" second militant gay "
Babe (Babe) - guitar solo, backing vocals," networks lady "
The Beast (The Beast) - guitar on the album" Motor Driven Bimbo ",
producer 2 studio albums
Chloe (Chloe) -" priestess of the cult of sex "
Kali (Kali) - "priestess of the cult of sex"
Description: Participants of the group during a concert engaged on peeng stage, fisting, strapon.